Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Dress!!!

Okay everybody this is "The Dress".
Please don't let Randy see it. I sent him pictures of all the dresses tried on today and I am leaving it a secret to him.


  1. It's beautiful! I'm so glad you took pictures and posted them. Did it take a long time to find a dress you loved? I remember dress shopping took me forever!

    PS. It should let you write posts on the Weekes blog as well. If it doesn't, let me know and I'll figure it out!

  2. I love it!! Its BEAUTIFUL!! Bud's gonna love it! When are you two planning to get married? I wanna start looking at tickets. Oh and Where?

  3. P.S. did bud or my hubby remember to tell you we wanted you to come visit us for a while if you feel like it? We live in VA.

  4. I keep coming back to look at the dress because it is SOOO PRETTY!!!

  5. thanks I love it too... There was this store in Corpus Christi that I use to drive by all the time when I use to go out to eat or go shopping around there and I always saw prom dresses in the window. We had already gone to two other stores which we not so hot. We were on our way to another when the GPS started acting up and we decided to go to the store that I always drove by,.It was called "AN Affair to Remember" There were so many beautiful dresses. I think i tried on about 10 or so. I managed to get it down to 3 that I Loved but in the end this one won.Greatest part was that without even knowing it I picked the cheapest one. The shrug that I picked out was from another dress. I tried it on with this one to see what it would look like because I still wanted to have some aspect of modesty even though we are not going to be going to the Temple.
    The wedding will be in April when Randy gets back for his 2 week leave and it will be whatever Saturday come closest to when he gets in. We should know a few months before when his time to come home will be(fingers crossed). I told him I would pick him up that morning from the airport if I have too. :) Oh yea Location Temple Texas, so you can fly into Austin(1.5hrs), Dallas(2.5hrs), Killeen(30 min) or Waco(40mins) whatever one you find is cheaper. I am looking into the Hotel right up the street from my parents to see if I book a block of rooms if I can get a cheaper rate. So if you decide to come in just let me know how many rooms and I will see what I can do.
